Building Small on North Avenue.40

Our home is on our lot.  The crane operators and trucking crew lifted it onto it’s Postechs on Thursday and….  it’s exactly what we envisioned.  Big sigh of relief and a big sigh of satisfaction!

With a 16 foot wide load, traffic needed to move to the shoulder all along the route from Bouctouche, New Brunswick so the house could pass by.  Here’s an excellent video of our home rolling down the highway and into Canning, courtesy of our good friend Sandra Gunther.

McConchie Trucking transported our home and worked with the crane operators from Irving to safely land the house onto the awaiting posts.  Here we are with the crane, waiting for the house to arrive.


The team had to back the house down the road from Cavell and then navigate the turn into our driveway.  It really looked like those back wheels were going down the 7 foot drop into the ditch!  The communication lines needed to be held up out of the way for the house to be squeezed underneath.


Before the crane lift, the crew assembled to discuss who would be where and how the work would proceed.  We were told that in the 60 years that Kent Homes has been moving homes, they’ve never dropped one.


After passing the cables under the house, blocking was inserted between the roof and the cables to minimize damage.


Minor damage did occur the bottom edge of some of the siding panels, but Kent Homes will replace those.  Otherwise, everything looks amazing considering the long bumpy trip and the week sitting on uneven ground waiting for improved site conditions.

Dana Kettle expertly videotaped the lift and landing.  It was incredible to see how this 45,000 pound load could be gingerly guided into 9 pairs of tracks with barely an inch of wiggle room!

After the house was settled onto the posts, we all confessed that we’d imagined the house would be lifted high in the air.  But, of course, that would be silly.  🙂


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